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Environmental Policy

As the leading supplier of products and services to the UK amenity market Rigby Taylor is totally committed to safeguarding the environment in which it operates. It not only endeavours to meet all legislative requirements for the industry it serves, but is also very proactive via its own initiatives to minimising their carbon footprint.

The company is a partner in the Government funded organisation WRAP (Waste Resource Action Programme), a campaign designed to accelerate resource efficiency by creating markets for recycled materials and products. As a result the company was able to launch Greenspread, a fully BSI PAS 100 fully accredited compost.

Rigby Taylor has also been heavily involved with Envirowise, a Government funded organisation that has been working with a growing number of forward looking UK businesses to help develop a more collaborative ‘right brain’ approach to supplier relationships which will deliver real bottom line and competitive benefits.

The company was one of the first to become involved when one of its customers, Manchester United FC, invited some of its suppliers to join them in the Envirowise Retail Supply Chain Partnership Forum in 2003. This initiative is committed to supply chain issues and how modifications to its activities in this area could reduce environmental impact. The company’s continued commitment was reflected in them winning a regional Environmental Award in 2005.

Rigby Taylor is proud to be closely associated with Manchester United FC regarding environmental issues as a supplier and the encouragement received from the club has helped forge deep and on-going links between the two companies, who are both totally committed to the awareness of environmental issues of the day-and the future and responding in a positive manner.

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