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Modern Slavery Act Statement – January 2024

Our Business

 Origin Amenity Solutions Limited comprises of four of the leading amenity industry brand names; Headland Amenity, Rigby Taylor, Symbio and TurfKeeper. Combined they are a leading supplier of products for the improvement, maintenance and construction of sports, amenity and landscape areas, including grass seed, fertilisers, herbicides, fungicides, adjuvants, micronutrients, top dressings, soil and turf improvers, line marking materials and sports equipment. 

Our customers range from professional sports clubs and associations to small volunteer led grass roots organisations, such as Football and Golf clubs, Cricket and Bowling Clubs, Racecourses, Landscapers, Local Authorities, Lawncare Contractors and educational establishments. 

Our Ethical Standards

Origin Amenity Solutions Limited is committed to conducting itself with the highest ethical and legal standards, ensuring that the operations within the business and its supply chain meet those standards at all times. 

Origin is committed to ensuring that we are compliant with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“MSA”) and will not accept non-compliance with the MSA within its own operations or those of partners or suppliers. We are aware that Human traffickers and illegal / unlicensed gang-masters target a range of industries including Construction and the Agricultural sectors. It remains important therefore that we maintain our vigilance and continually improve our controls and procedures. 

Continuous Improvement

We recognise that risk assessment, management oversight and continuous improvement are important, and we closely monitor UK government guidance, updates and requirements. Origin Amenity Solutions continues to review and improve upon its actions and due diligence measures, including but not limited to the following: 

We recognise that risk assessment, management oversight and continuous improvement are
important, and we closely monitor UK government guidance, updates and requirements. Origin
Amenity Solutions continues to review and improve upon its actions and due diligence measures,
including but not limited to the following:

  • Operation of MSA Steering group comprised of senior HR, Operations and Finance representatives to discuss, implement and develop MSA controls and procedures and review progress 
  • Introducing and communicating to all employees a Conduct Charter which is complementary to our existing Code of Conduct for employees and recurrent training and guidance to help identify and report human rights abuses/slavery. Collectively these policies and guides reiterate our commitments to our own people, the communities in which we work and to the environment as well as making clear our commitment to human rights abuses/slavery prevention. 
  • Continuing our engagement with our supplier base to ensure awareness of our stance on modern slavery. All new suppliers are required to sign up to our core principles relating to the prevention of modern slavery. We have issued this document to all existing suppliers and have requested that they signed up to our principles on modern slavery. 
  • Ongoing monitoring of potential risks that might appear in our supply chain or with our partners or suppliers. 

Other Existing Procedures

As well as the above, we will also continue to take the following steps to ensure that we further combat slavery and human trafficking: 

  • Provide an opportunity for all employees to identify risks anonymously through a whistleblowing process, which is detailed on the company intranet, notice boards on all sites and communicated in our modern slavery policy. 
  • Continue our internal ‘risk checks’ to ensure that any permanent or seasonal employment (within our circa 100 workforce, based at various sites within the UK including our production facilities) does not contravene our own ethical standards or any legislation or government guidance. 
  • Commit to promptly answer questions posed by our customers in respect of the Modern Slavery Act who wish to know more about our operations and / or our supply chain. 
  • Continue to monitor and review our MSA processes, ensuring that we are also keeping up to date with proposed government amendments to legislation including sourcing external legal advice where appropriate. 
  • Annual communication to all employees reiterating the need for vigilance with respect to modern slavery, alongside sharing links to current guidance and policy. Reminders and links to eLearning training (to be completed by all new starters and every two years for existing employees) are also shared as part of the annual communication. 

Our Supply Chain

We supply products to the amenity sector and our supply chain is global in its reach. We source from manufacturers directly or through intermediaries. Many of our suppliers are large in scale with deemed low-risk of non-compliance to the Modern Slavery Act, however, as a Company we remain vigilant to all risks, particularly in small-scale businesses in whose sector there may sometimes be a higher risk of unlicensed manual, seasonal labour. 

Origin Amenity Solutions Limited is committed to ensuring our supply chain is free from human rights abuses and modern slavery. We actively welcome comments and suggestions from anyone within our supply chain about how we can improve our operations or further reduce any risks in our supply chain.

If you have any questions regarding this matter please contact us by emailing us on:

Robert Beeney
CFO – UK Agri Inputs 

Chris Clark
Managing Director – Origin Amenity Division

Modern Slavery Act Statement – January 2023

Our Business

Origin Amenity Solutions Limited comprises of four of the leading amenity industry brand
names; Headland Amenity, Rigby Taylor, Symbio and TurfKeeper. Combined they are a leading supplier
of products for the improvement, maintenance and construction of sports, amenity and landscape
areas, including grass seed, fertilisers, herbicides, fungicides, adjuvants, micronutrients, top dressings,
soil and turf improvers, line marking materials and sports equipment.

Our customers range from professional sports clubs and associations to small volunteer led grass roots
organisations, such as Football and Golf clubs, Cricket and Bowling Clubs, Racecourses, Landscapers,
Local Authorities, Lawncare Contractors and educational establishments.

Our Ethical Standards

Origin Amenity Solutions Limited is committed to conducting itself with the highest ethical and legal
standards, ensuring that the operations within the business and its supply chain meet those standards
at all times.

We are committed to ensure that we are compliant with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“MSA”) and will
not accept non-compliance with the MSA within our operations or those of partners or suppliers. We
are aware that Human traffickers and illegal / unlicensed gang-masters target a range of industries
including Construction and the Agricultural sectors. It remains important therefore that we maintain
our vigilance and continually improve our controls and procedures.

Continuous Improvement

We recognise that risk assessment, management oversight and continuous improvement are
important, and we closely monitor UK government guidance, updates and requirements. Origin
Amenity Solutions continues to review and improve upon its actions and due diligence measures,
including but not limited to the following:

  • Operation of MSA Steering group comprised of senior HR, Operations and Finance
    representatives to discuss, implement and develop MSA controls and procedures and review
  • Introducing a ‘code of conduct for employees’ which reiterates our stance on modern
    slavery, in addition to setting out various other commitments to our own people, the
    communities in which we work and to the environment.
  • Continuing engagement with our supplier base to ensure awareness of our stance on modern
    slavery. All new suppliers are required to sign up to our core principles relating to the
    prevention of modern slavery. We are issuing this document to all existing suppliers and are
    requesting that they sign up to our principles on modern slavery.
  • Requirement for new and existing employees to undertake our e-learning training on modern
    slavery to improve general awareness and understanding of the risks around it. To that end,
    the vast majority of our employees have already completed the training with remaining
    employees, including new starters, being asked to complete their training in the near term.
  • We will be updating and communicating to all employees our ‘employee guidance’
    document, to help support improved awareness of modern slavery risks and how to identify
    and report concerns.
  • Updating of our internal modern slavery policy, which sets out Origin’s response to the MSA,
    including details of current procedures that we have put inplace. Included within the policy,
    amongst other things, is an emphasis that each employee has a role and duty to report
  • Ongoing monitoring of potential risks that might appear in our supply chain or with our
    partners or suppliers.

Other Existing Procedures

As well as the above, we will also continue to take the following steps to ensure that we further combat
slavery and human trafficking:

  • Provide an opportunity for all employees to identify risks anonymously through a
    whistleblowing process, which is detailed on the company intranet, notice boards on all sites
    and communicated in our modern slavery policy.
  •  Continue our internal ‘risk checks’ to ensure that any permanent or seasonal employment
    (within our 105 workforce, based at various sites within the UK including our production
    facilities) does not contravene our own ethical standards or any legislation or government
  • Commit to promptly answer questions posed by our customers in respect of the Modern
    Slavery Act who wish to know more about our operations and / or our supply chain.
  • Continue to monitor and review our MSA processes, ensuring that we are also keeping up to
    date with proposed government amendments to legislation including sourcing external legal
    advice where appropriate.

Our Supply Chain

We supply products to the amenity sector and our supply chain is global in its reach. We source from
manufacturers directly or through intermediaries. Many of our suppliers are large in scale with deemed
low-risk of non-compliance to the Modern Slavery Act, however, as a Company we remain vigilant to
all risks, particularly in small-scale businesses in whose sector there may sometimes be a higher risk of
unlicensed manual, seasonal labour.

Modern Slavery Act Statement – January 2023

Origin Amenity Solutions Limited is committed to ensuring our supply chain is free from human rights
abuses and modern slavery. We actively welcome comments and suggestions from anyone within our
supply chain about how we can improve our operations or further reduce any risks in our supply chain.

If you have any questions regarding this matter please contact us by emailing us on:

Robert Beeney
Finance Director

Chris Clark
Managing Director – Origin Amenity


Modern Slavery Act Statement – January 2022

Our Business

Origin Amenity Solutions Limited comprises of four of the leading amenity industry brand
names; Headland Amenity, Rigby Taylor, Symbio and TurfKeeper. Combined they are a leading supplier
of products for the improvement, maintenance and construction of sports, amenity and landscape
areas, including grass seed, fertilisers, herbicides, fungicides, adjuvants, micronutrients, top dressings,
soil and turf improvers, line marking materials and sports equipment.

Our customers range from professional sports clubs and associations to small volunteer led grass roots
organisations, such as Football and Golf clubs, Cricket and Bowling Clubs, Racecourses, Landscapers,
Local Authorities, Lawncare Contractors and educational establishments.
Our Ethical Standards

Origin Amenity Solutions Limited is committed to conducting itself with the highest ethical and legal
standards, ensuring that the operations within the business and its supply chain meet those standards
at all times.

We are aware that Human traffickers and illegal / unlicensed gang-masters target a range of industries
including Construction and the Agricultural sectors. It remains important therefore that we maintain
our vigilance and continually improve our controls and procedures.

Continuous Improvement

We recognise that risk assessment, management oversight and continuous improvement are
important, and we closely monitor UK government guidance, updates and requirements. Origin
continues to review and improve upon its actions and due diligence measures, including but not limited
to the following:

– Operation of MSA Steering group comprised of senior HR, Operations and Finance
representatives to discuss, implement and develop MSA controls and procedures and review
– Continuing our engagement with our supplier base to ensure awareness of our stance on
modern slavery. All new suppliers are required to sign up to our core principles on modern
slavery. We are issuing this document to all existing suppliers.
– Requirement for new and existing employees to undertake our e-learning training on modern
slavery to improve general awareness and understanding of the risks around it. To that end,
the vast majority of our employees have already completed the training and we have set
further targets over the coming year. Additionally, we are currently designing more specific
educational content for key roles, to help support improved awareness of modern slavery
risks and how to identify and report concerns
– Implementing our internal modern slavery policy, which sets out Origin’s response to the
MSA, including details of current procedures that we have put in place.

Modern Slavery Act Statement – January 2022

– Ongoing monitoring of potential risks that might appear in our supply chain or with our
partners or suppliers.

The COVID-19 Pandemic

We are acutely aware that the COVID-19 pandemic brought increased risk to Modern Slavery in some
industries and some organisations within some sectors. Whilst we continue to monitor indications
affecting our industry, we can confirm that to date:

  • Origin Amenity Solutions Limited’s own staffing has been stable throughout the pandemic.
  • Origin Amenity Solutions fully supported its own employees by being more flexible regarding
    working hours, working practices, working from home and offering wellbeing advice.
  • All sites and meetings continue to be risk-assessed as required with regular briefings to all
    employees on Covid controls and measures in place, with the provision of PPE to protect
    against COVID-19 risks in workplaces.
  • There have been no indications or evidence to suggest that our supply chain has suffered from
    an increased risk of Modern Slavery.
  • Payment of suppliers has not suffered as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic with our usual
    supplier invoices being paid on time and in full.
  • We’re continuing to work with our new and existing suppliers to confirm they understand and
    accept Origin’s position on modern slavery and sign up to our core principles on modern
    slavery. We track responses from suppliers [as one key metric] to assist in determining the
    effectiveness of our efforts to ensure our supply chain is free from modern slavery and human

Other Existing Procedures

  • As well as the above, we will also continue to take the following steps to ensure that we further combat
    slavery and human trafficking:
  • Provide an opportunity for all employees to identify risks anonymously through its (externally
    provided) whistleblowing process, which is detailed on the company intranet, notice boards on
    all sites and communicated in our Modern Slavery policy.
  • Continue our internal ‘risk checks’ to ensure that any permanent or seasonal employment does
    not contravene our own ethical standards or any legislation or government guidance.
  • Promptly answer questions posed by our customers in respect of the Modern Slavery Act who
    wish to know more about our operations and / or our supply chain.

Modern Slavery Act Statement – January 2022

  • Continue to monitor and review our MSA processes, ensuring that we are also keeping up to date
    with proposed government amendments to legislation.

Our Supply Chain

We supply products to the amenity sector and our supply chain is global in its reach. We source from
manufacturers directly or through intermediaries. Many of our suppliers are large in scale with deemed
low-risk of non-compliance to the Modern Slavery Act, however, as a Company we remain vigilant to
all risks, particularly in small-scale businesses in whose sector there may sometimes be a higher risk of
unlicensed manual, seasonal labour.

Origin Amenity Solutions Limited is committed to ensuring our supply chain is free from human rights
abuses and modern slavery. We actively welcome comments and suggestions from anyone within our
supply chain about how we can improve our operations or further reduce any risks in our supply chain.
If you have any questions regarding this issue please contact us by emailing us on:

Robert Beeney
Finance Director

Chris Clark
Managing Director – Origin Amenity

Modern Slavery Act Statement – August 2021

Our Business

Origin Amenity Solutions Limited comprises of four of the leading amenity industry brand names; Headland Amenity, Rigby Taylor, Symbio and TurfKeeper. Combined they are a leading supplier of products for the improvement, maintenance and construction of sports, amenity and landscape areas, including grass seed, fertilisers, herbicides, fungicides, adjuvants, micronutrients, top dressings, soil and turf improvers, line marking materials and sports equipment. 

Our customers range from professional sports clubs and associations to small volunteer led grass roots organisations, such as Football and Golf clubs, Cricket and Bowling Clubs, Racecourses, Landscapers, Local Authorities, Lawncare Contractors and educational establishments. 

Our Ethical Standards

Origin Amenity Solutions Limited is committed to conducting itself with the highest ethical and legal standards. We always ensure that the operations within the business and its supply chain meet those standards and are compliant with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. 

We are aware that Human traffickers and illegal / unlicensed gang-masters target a range of industries including Construction and the Agricultural sectors. It remains important therefore that we maintain our vigilance and continually improve our controls and procedures. 

Our MSA processes, Controls and Measures

 We recognise that continuous improvement is important and we closely monitor UK government guidance, updates and requirements. During the period since our last statement and despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Origin Amenity Solutions Limited has put in place a number of actions, including the following: 

  • Implemented new e-learning training on Modern Slavery for all employees of Origin Amenity Solutions to improve general awareness and understanding of the risks.
  • Implemented a new supplier compliance check process requiring new and existing suppliers to read and accept our stance in relation to preventing Modern Slavery.
  • Development of a new internal Modern Slavery Policy, outlining our response to the MSA Act of 2015, including detail of current procedures that we have in place.
  • We have created an MSA Steering group, comprising of senior HR, Operations and Finance representatives to meet on a regular basis to implement and develop MSA controls and procedures.

The Pandemic

We are acutely aware that the COVID-19 pandemic brought increased risk to Modern Slavery in some industries and some organisations within some sectors. Whilst we continue to monitor indications affecting our industry, we can confirm that to date: 

  • Origin Amenity Solutions Limited’s own staffing has been stable throughout the pandemic. 
  • Origin Amenity Solutions fully supported its own employees with COVID-19 support, being more flexible regarding working hours, working practices, working from home and offering wellbeing advice. All sites were fully risk-assessed as required with regular briefings to all employees on Covid controls and measures in place, with the provision of PPE to ensure all workplaces are covid-19 secure. 
  • There have been no indications or evidence to suggest that our supply chain has suffered from an increased risk of Modern Slavery. 
  • Payment of suppliers has not suffered as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic with our usual supplier invoices being paid on time and in full. 

Other Existing Procedures

  • Origin Amenity Solutions also gives an opportunity for all employees to identify risks anonymously through its Whistleblowing process, which is detailed on notice boards on all sites and on the shared network drive. New starters also receive relevant information upon joining the Company within their new starter pack, to raise awareness of modern slavery, human trafficking and the whistleblowing procedure. 
  • We continue our internal ‘risk checks’ to ensure that any permanent or seasonal employment does not contravene our own ethical standards or any legislation or government guidance. 
  • We will promptly answer questions posed by our customers in respect of the Modern Slavery Act who wish to know more about our operations and / or our supply chain. 

Our Supply Chain

We supply products to the amenity sector and our supply chain is global in its reach. We source from manufacturers directly or through intermediaries. Many of our suppliers are large in scale with deemed low-risk of non-compliance to the Modern Slavery Act, however, as a Company we remain vigilant to all risks, particularly in small-scale businesses in whose sector there may sometimes be a higher risk of unlicensed manual, seasonal labour. 

Origin Amenity Solutions Limited is committed to ensuring our supply chain is free from human rights abuses. We actively welcome comments and suggestions from anyone within our supply chain about how we can improve our operations or further reduce any risks in our supply chain. 

If you have any questions regarding this issue please contact us by emailing us on: 


Robert Beeney
Finance Director

Chris Clark
Managing Director – Origin Amenity

Date: 24th August 2021

Modern Slavery Act Statement – January 2021

Our business

As a leading manufacturer and distributor of Fertilisers to Agriculture and Amenity sectors throughout Great Britain, we produce a comprehensive range of NPK, prescription blends, straights and micro nutrient products. In addition to commodity Fertilisers, the company is committed to developing innovative and technologically enhanced crop nutrition products and services with the objective of improving crop yields, crop quality and farmer returns. Origin Fertilisers and PB Kent are trading name of Origin UK Operations Limited.

Our ethical standards

Origin UK Operations Limited (trading as Origin Fertilisers and PB Kent) is committed to conducting itself with the highest ethical and legal standards. We ensure that the operations within the business and its supply chain meet those standards at all times and are compliant with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

We are aware that Human traffickers and illegal / unlicensed gang-masters target a range of industries including those involved in the Agricultural sector. It remains important therefore that we maintain our vigilance and continually improve our controls and procedures.

Our MSA processes, controls and measures

We recognise that continuous improvement is important and we closely monitor UK government guidance, updates and requirements. During the period since our last statement and despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Origin UK Operations Limited has put in place a number of actions, including the following:

  • Implemented new e-learning training on Modern Slavery for all employees of Origin UK Operations to improve general awareness and understanding of the risks.
  • Implemented a new supplier compliance check process requiring new and existing suppliers to read and accept our stance in relation to preventing Modern Slavery.
  • Development of a new internal Modern Slavery Policy, outlining our response to the MSA Act of 2015, including detail of current procedures that we have in place.
  • We have created an MSA Steering group, comprising of senior HR, Operations and Finance representatives to meet on a regular basis to implement and develop MSA controls and procedures.

The pandemic

We are acutely aware that the COVID-19 pandemic brought increased risk to Modern Slavery in some industries and some organisations within the Agricultural sector. We understand that the situation changes frequently and the effect of consumers stockpiling certain goods and the general impact on the food sector supply chain, which needs to be increasingly agile, adapting to unforeseen shocks. This suggests that changes may be needed, to make the supply chain in the food sector more resilient (source: UK Parliament). Whilst we continue to monitor indications affecting our industry, we can confirm that to date:

  • Origin UK Operation’s own recruitment and staffing demand has been stable throughout the pandemic.
  • Origin UK Operations fully supported its own employees with COVID-19 support, being more flexible regarding working hours, working practices, working from home and offering wellbeing advice. All sites were fully risk-assessed as required with regular briefings to all employees on covid controls and measures in place, with the provision of PPE to ensure all workplaces are covid-19 secure.
  • There have been no indications or evidence to suggest that our supply chain has suffered from an increased risk of Modern Slavery.
  • Payment of suppliers has not suffered as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic with our usual supplier invoices being paid on time and in full.

Other existing procedures

  • Origin UK Operations also gives an opportunity for all employees to identify risks anonymously through its Whistleblowing process, which is detailed on notice boards on all sites and on the shared network drive. New starters also receive relevant information upon joining the Company within their new starter pack, to raise awareness of modern slavery, human trafficking and the whistleblowing procedure.
  • We continue our internal ‘risk checks’ to ensure that any permanent or seasonal employment (within our 240 workforce, based at various sites within the UK) does not contravene our own ethical standards or any legislation or government guidance.
  • We will promptly answer questions posed by our customers in respect of the Modern Slavery Act who wish to know more about our operations and / or our supply chain.

Our supply chain

We are a manufacturer and distributor and our supply chain is global in its reach. We source from manufacturers directly or through intermediaries. Many of our suppliers are large in scale with deemed low-risk of non-compliance to the Modern Slavery Act, however, as a Company we remain vigilant to all risks, particularly in small-scale businesses in whose sector there may sometimes be a higher risk of unlicensed manual, seasonal labour.

Origin UK Operations Limited is committed to ensuring our supply chain is free from human rights abuses. We actively welcome comments and suggestions from anyone within our supply chain about how we can improve our operations or further reduce any risks in our supply chain. If you have any questions regarding this issue please contact us by emailing us on:


Robert Beeney
Finance Director

Michael Pater
Managing Director – Origin Fertilisers

Chris Clark
Managing Director – Origin Amenity

Date: 31st January 2021

Modern Slavery Statement 2019

Our business

Rigby Taylor Limited is a leading supplier of products for the improvement, maintenance and construction of sports, amenity and landscape areas, including Grass Seed, Fertilisers, Herbicides, Fungicides, Top Dressings, Soil and Turf Improvers, Line Marking Materials and Sports Equipment. The company is committed to working closely with a number of key research based specialist suppliers, and dedicated to a policy of continuous improvement in all its activities, Rigby Taylor has introduced many new products to help UK greenkeepers and grounds people maintain and enhance their world-wide reputation for excellence in their profession.

Our ethical standards

Rigby Taylor Ltd is committed to conducting itself with the highest ethical and legal standards. We ensure that the operations within the business and its supply chain meet those standards at all times and are compliant with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

We are particularly vigilant within our supply chain and within our network of other partnerships. Our current and ongoing actions include:

  • We are committed to enabling our people to recognise and respond to potential cases of modern slavery. We continue to provide information about the risks and what to look out for and have continued to communicate the Whistleblowing process. New employees receive relevant information upon joining the Company, within their induction, to ensure their awareness of modern slavery and human trafficking. A copy of our Whistleblowing policy and helpline can be found at each site and on the shared internal network folders.
  • We continue to share knowledge and learnings with colleagues within our Group companies to understand their approach to ethical risk management and supplier collaboration.
  • New suppliers are required to sign their understanding and acceptance of our stance in relation to preventing Modern Slavery, asking those suppliers to provide assurances to us that they understand the requirements of the Act and are ensuring any risks within their business or supply chain are identified and managed.
  • Existing suppliers are required to complete our Modern Slavery Questionnaire, which helps us understand if there are risks in the supply chain. We will internally review responses to those questionnaires to assess any risk and take action as necessary.
  • Continuation of our internal ‘risk checks’ to ensure that any permanent or seasonal employment does not contravene our ethical standards, or any legislation.
  • We promptly answer questions posed by our customers in respect of the Modern Slavery Act who wish to know more about our operations and / or our supply chain.

Our supply chain

We supply products to the amenity sector and our supply chain is global in its reach. We source from manufacturers directly or through intermediaries. Many of our suppliers are large in scale with deemed low-risk of non-compliance to the Modern Slavery Act, however, as a Company we remain vigilant to all risks, particularly in small-scale businesses in whose sector there may sometimes be a higher risk of unlicensed manual labour. Our employees remain vigilant to this risk and through the Whistleblowing hotline are able to raise their concerns confidentially and anonymously if they choose to do so.

Company procedures

Rigby Taylor Limited is committed to ensuring our supply chain is free from human rights abuses. We actively welcome comments and suggestions from anyone within our supply chain about how we can improve our operations or further reduce any risks in our supply chain. If you have any questions regarding this issue please contact us by emailing us on:

Robert Beeney
Finance Director

Chris Clark
Managing Director – Origin Amenity

Date: 18th October 2019

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