Flora Native
Flora Native embraces a comprehensive choice of UK Native Provenance flower seeds to create, restore and enhance environmental habitats and landscapes.
- Native and naturalised species
- Bespoke mixtures to landscape architect specifications available on request
- Mixes available as 100% wildflowers, combinations of flowers and grasses or 100% habitat grasses
- Designed for diverse ecological habitats from acidic to alkaline, coastal to clay, wetland to woodland
- Recommended for projects including habitat re-generation, green infrastructure, land reclamation, SuDs, solar farms, green roof, road and rail, golf courses and country estates
- Includes flowering species perfect for pollinators
- Sowing rate from as little as 2-3g per sq.m
- Selected species seasonally available as plug plants or bulbs
- Habitat shrub seed of gorse (Ulex europeaus) and heather (Calluna vulgaris) also seasonally available, on request
For more information please contact sales@rigbytaylor.com or download the FloraNative Catalogue.