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Choosing The Right Weed Killer

It is important when choosing a herbicide (weed killer) that you pick one that is suitable for how you intend to use it. Broadly speaking herbicides fall into two categories:

Selective Herbicide

Selective herbicides kill weeds while leaving other plants such as turf/grass unharmed.

When applying a weed killer it is very easy for surrounding plants that you want to keep to get caught in the cross-fire. A typical example of this is a dandelion growing in the middle of your lawn. You want to kill the dandelion, yet not kill any of the grass in your lawn – this is where a selective herbicide is perfect.

Active Ingredients In Selective Herbicides

Common active ingredients in Selective Herbicides include:


Fluroxypyr is in the synthetic auxins class of herbicides and is used to control broad-leaved weeds, especially cleavers (Galium aparine).


Dicamba is a selective herbicide in the chlorophenoxy family and is used on many broadleaf weeds and woody plants.


Clopyralid is in the picolinic acid family of herbicides and is used for control of broadleaf weeds, especially thistles and clovers.

MCPA (2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid)

MCPA is a powerful selective phenoxy herbicide and is used to control broadleaf weeds, including thistle and dock.


Florasulam is a triazolopyrimidine sulfonanilide-based selective herbicide and is used for post-emergence control of broad-leaved weeds including dandelions, daisy and white clover.

2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid)

2,4-D is in the synthetic auxins class of herbicides and is one of the most widely used herbicides in the world. 2,4-D is used to control many broad-leaved weeds including dandelions, plantains and knotweed.


Mecoprop-p is a chlorophenoxy herbicide used for the post-emergent control of broadleaf weeds including knotweed, clover and plaintain.

Mixture of Active Ingredients

Most selective weed killers use a mixture of (the above) active ingredients in order to be most effective.

The amount of active ingredient in the weed killer depends on how much it is intended to be diluted for use. This can greatly affect the purchase price – less expensive bottles of herbicide generally have less active ingredient in them. It is always worth checking the amount of active ingredient in a weed killer before buying!

Selective Herbicides Available from Rigby Taylor

We supply a range of selective weed killers in different concentrations and using different active ingredients. These include:


Contains: 105g/l fluroxypyr, 285g/l 2,4-D and 52.5g/l dicamba.
Pack coverage: 10,000 m² (1ha)

Crossbar is a selective turf herbicide. Crossbar controls a range of broad-leaved weeds including many difficult to kill weeds such as Slender Speedwell in amenity turf grass and lawns.

More Info About Crossbar >


Greenor Gold

Contains: 140g/l fluroxypyr, 80g/l clopyralid and 2.5g/l florasulam.
Pack coverage: 10,o00m m² (1.00ha)

Greenor Gold is a selective, systemic, post emergence turf herbicide. Greenor controls broad-leaved weeds in amenity turf including daisy, dandelion and knotgrass.

More Info About Greenor Gold >


Contains: 6.25g/litre florasulam and 452g/litre 2,4-D
Pack coverage: 41,667m² (4.17ha)

Junction is a new generation, selective turf herbicide. Junction is specially formulated for contractors for the regular maintenance control of weeds in sports and amenity turf. Junction controls a broad range of weeds including dandelion, daisy and white clover.

More Info About Junction >

Total Herbicide

Total herbicides are non-selective, ie they will kill both a weed and any other plants that they come into contact with nearby. This means that total herbicides are not suitable for killing weeds on your lawn but are ideal for killing weeds on hard surfaces such as driveways or patios.

Active Ingredients In Total Herbicides

Common active ingredients in Total Herbicides include:


Flazasulfuron is part of the sulfonylurea group of herbicides and is used to control annual and perennial weeds on surfaces not intended to bear vegetation. It can be used on pre-emergent and early post-emergent weeds, being absorbed by the plants shoots and roots and then translocated throughout the plant.


Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum non-selective that is effective in killing most plant types including perennials and grasses. It is used to kill emerged weeds by being absorbed into the plant through the leaves and stalk, after which it spreads throughout the plant.

Concentration of Active Ingredients

The amount of active ingredient in a Total Herbicide can differ greatly between products. Rigby Taylor’s total weed killers are generally intended to be heavily diluted before application and as such may have over 50 times as much active ingredient than a similar sized bottle bought at your local DIY store. It is always worth checking the amount of active ingredient in a weed killer before buying!

Total Herbicides Available from Rigby Taylor

We supply a range of total weed killers in different concentrations and using different active ingredients. These include:


Contains: 105g/l fluroxypyr, 285g/l 2,4-D and 52.5g/l dicamba.
Pack coverage: 3,333m² (0.3ha)

Chikara Tough Weed Herbicide is a systemic, pre-emergent and early post-emergent herbicide. Chikara combines both a contact and residual mode of action to control annual and perennial weeds on natural surfaces not intended to bear vegetation, and permeable surfaces over-lying soil.

More Info About Chikara >

Mascot Hi-Aktiv

Contains: 490g/l glyphosate.
Pack coverage: 11,400m² – 45,500m² (1.14 – 4.55 ha)

Mascot Hi-Aktiv Amenity Glyphosate Weed Killer is a high level, non-residual, total glyphosate herbicide. Mascot Hi-Aktiv Amenity controls grasses and weeds in amenity, industrial and forestry situations.

More Info About Mascot Hi-Aktiv >

Gallup Biograde Amenity

Contains: 360g/l glyphosate.
Pack coverage: 8,333 – 12,500m² (0.8 – 1.2ha)

Gallup Biograde Amenity Weed Killer is a non-residual, translocated, professional use glyphosate herbicide. It kills emerged weeds in amenity and industrial situations, forestry and aquatic areas.

More Info About Gallup Biograde Amenity >

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