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February Amenity Forum Update

Rigby Taylor are sponsoring the February Amenity Forum Update meeting on February 20th at Throws Farm – to supplement this meeting we will be adding to the Amenity forum Agenda (detailed Agenda is on the reverse of the invite and is pretty much self-explanatory.)

Rigby Taylor topics will be

  • Glyphosate – “up-date” of situation both locally and globally – this session will give you the information you may need when challenged by bosses or councillors on why using Glyphosate is the most cost effective and environmentally sound solution. Rigby Taylor will also cover other spray alternatives – how to use them, what they are and what they cost.
  • Bioremediation – biology at work – biological products that work and are more cost effective than other approaches to deal with hydrocarbon or fat contamination
  • Organic Biocide – launch of natural origin biocide (de-greener) applied in low water volumes 220 l/ha – another natural origin product that really works better than present alternatives

Hopefully this makes a very interesting day for all sectors of our market particularly for local authority, Schools, Local councils, FM businesses and Contractors . Places are limited to book your seat please email :

Download the Invitation / Meeting Agenda

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