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Hever Castle in full flower!

As a result of the “fantastic success” of its displays of Rigby Taylor’s Euroflor urban meadow flower seed mixes, Kent-based stately home Hever Castle has not only expanded the total area planted this year to more than 5,000 m2, but it has also launched a retail scheme where ‘ready-to-sow’ flower seed kits are available for purchase by visitors.

The meadow flower project on the 400-acre estate, which includes an adjoining golf course, was initiated in 2018 by Hever Castle Golf Club’s head greenkeeper Rob Peers to “encourage visitors to both the golf course and the estate to fully enjoy and be immersed by and engaged with the complete site”.

He says the project “has been an overwhelming success” with the nine meadow areas – throughout the castle grounds and on areas of the golf course – which feature a wide range of flower species, attracting laudatory comments from visitors in person, in the local press and on social media. Each display is accompanied by an information board about ‘creating your own meadow’.

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