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Celebrating 100 years of Innovation Celebrating 100 Years of Innovation

Introducing the Nutri‑Link System

Nutri-Link Montage

Comprising of six specially formulated liquid fertilizers, Nutri-Link has been developed specifically for use on a wide range of turf surfaces. Applied as a foliar spray, Nutri-Link solutions are taken up by both the leaf and the root and designed and formulated to supplement granular applications or, when used as stand-alone nutritional inputs. They are also a perfect supplement for sand-based constructions.

Linked together, the Nutri-Link components provide multiple solutions to the macro and micro problems confronting today’s groundsmen, including soil structure, microbial activity, biotic and abiotic stresses. Such synergistic approach will improve plant health and performance as their individual strengths when working together provide greater benefits than when used singly.
The introduction of the NUTRI-LINK system offers groundsmen a range of turf health benefits that support granular nutritional programmes by providing prescriptive solutions to perpetual problems.
NUTRI-LINK solutions are linked to solving a particular problem or supporting an in season programme objective and will provide many of the following benefits.

  • Enhanced root mass and depth
  • Increased tillering and denser sward
  • Improved disease tolerance
  • Better drought resistance
  • Rapid recovery from wear and mechanical damage
  • Enhanced and extended greening
  • More rapid germination establishment
  • Reduced salt toxicity
  • Greater tolerance to excessive temperature
  • Improved photosynthetic capability
  • Enhanced carbon sequestration

Now available to buy online – see full product range here


A fully illustrated brochure is available from either your Rigby Taylor Area Technical Manager or on request by Freephone 0800 414 919

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