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Enclean 1l – Organic Surface Cleaner, De‑greener controls Algae and other green deposits. Biocide – BPR 2148


(formerly identified as 0105086-01)

Enclean is a novel surface cleaner biocide/degreener containing 500 g/l of nonanoic acid, this is derived from sustainable plant origin – the product works quickly and can be applied in 300 l/ha of water.  Safe to users and pets. In comparison to competitor product application is much quicker and more effective. Making this product very cost effective and easy to use compared to biocides containing QAC  based compounds.

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Enclean 1l – Organic Surface Cleaner, De‑greener controls Algae and other green deposits. Biocide – BPR 2148

Enclean is a novel surface cleaner biocide/degreener containing 500 g/l of nonanoic acid, this is derived from sustainable plant origin – the product works quickly and can be applied in 300 l/ha of water.  Safe to users and pets. In comparison to competitor product application is much quicker and more effective. Making this product very cost effective and easy to use compared to biocides containing QAC  based compounds.

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Enclean 1l – Organic Surface Cleaner, De‑greener controls Algae and other green deposits. Biocide – BPR 2148

Ex VAT:£89.95 £59.50Incl VAT:£107.94 £71.40

Enclean is a novel surface cleaner biocide/degreener containing 500 g/l of nonanoic acid, this is derived from sustainable plant origin – the product works quickly and can be applied in 300 l/ha of water.  Safe to users and pets. In comparison to competitor product application is much quicker and more effective. Making this product very cost effective and easy to use compared to biocides containing QAC  based compounds.

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For new users we have introduced an Enclean Sprayer package Promotion click for details

To see all the situations you can use Enclean click here for all different use areas

Enclean can be used in a wide range of situations – pavements (below were sprayed and left  Enclean after 1 month cleaned the surfaces with no additional cleaning required)

Wooden surfaces come up clean within days of application and stay algae free for months

Apply using red even spray flat fan 80 degree 04 nozzle at 1 bar pressure

Suitable For the treatment of:

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Additional information

Application Rate

Add 72 ml of Enclean to 1 litre of water this will treat 40 m²

1.8 ml of product will treat m² applied in 28 ml of water

when using a 15 litre knapsack half fill with water add 1 litre of Enclean, fill to 15 litres this will treat 555 m² using red even fan 80 04 nozzle

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