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RT Nurture Lawn Feed Weed and Moss Killer 20kg – MAPP 19023


(formerly identified as 0103253-020)


RT Nurture Feed, Weed and Moss Killer is a granular formulation containing 21.74% w/w Iron Sulphate, 0.057% w/w Dicamba and 2.86% w/w 2,4-D and Mecoprop-P for the control of broadleaved weed species and moss on managed amenity turf and lawns.

The product should be applied evenly at 32 g/m² a 20 kg bag treats up to 625 m²

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RT Nurture Lawn Feed Weed and Moss Killer 20kg – MAPP 19023


RT Nurture Feed, Weed and Moss Killer is a granular formulation containing 21.74% w/w Iron Sulphate, 0.057% w/w Dicamba and 2.86% w/w 2,4-D and Mecoprop-P for the control of broadleaved weed species and moss on managed amenity turf and lawns.

The product should be applied evenly at 32 g/m² a 20 kg bag treats up to 625 m²

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RT Nurture Lawn Feed Weed and Moss Killer 20kg – MAPP 19023

Ex VAT:£41.87 £35.57Incl VAT:£50.24 £42.68


RT Nurture Feed, Weed and Moss Killer is a granular formulation containing 21.74% w/w Iron Sulphate, 0.057% w/w Dicamba and 2.86% w/w 2,4-D and Mecoprop-P for the control of broadleaved weed species and moss on managed amenity turf and lawns.

The product should be applied evenly at 32 g/m² a 20 kg bag treats up to 625 m²

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RT Nurture is a triple action Feed Weed and Moss Killer product for effective control of a wide range of broad leaved weeds and  moss in lawns and professional sports turf. The product also promotes turf growth to rapidly infill the bare areas left after weed and moss removal. Ferrous sulphate in RT Nurture helps strengthen turf against diseases and also rapidly greens the grass. The acidifying effect will also help deter earth worm activity. This makes the product ideal for use on sports turf, such as the golf course, bowling green or cricket outfield, other amenity turf areas and lawns.

Application – apply at 32 g/m²

RT Nurture Feed, Weed & Moss Killer can be used between April and October when grass, moss and weeds are actively growing, and soil is moist.

Do not apply during drought or freezing conditions.

RT Nurture Feed, Weed & Moss killer granules should not be allowed to come into contact with flowers, shrubs, fruit or vegetable plants.

Apply only to established turf.

Do not use on new grass for six months.

Grass should not be cut 3 days before treatment and not cut again until at least 4 days after treatment.

Do not apply when heavy rain is forecast

If no rain falls within 48 hours, water the product into the lawn.

Do not apply in windy conditions.

Keep off skin and away from eyes.

It is good practice to wear gloves when using this product.


Note: It is your responsibility to ensure that any pesticide product for Professional use is used according to the label instructions and that all operators are trained and certified in its use.

Product registered for Amateur use in UK only.


Suitable For the treatment of:

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At g/m² One Treatment Provides (Kg/ha):


Use on

  • Bowling Greens
  • Fairways
  • Fine Turf
  • Greens
  • Lawns
  • Pitches
  • Tees

Usage Period


Additional information

Pack Size

20 kg


625 m²

Application Rate

32 g/m²


Nitrogen Source
8.6% Ammoniacal
1.4% Ureic


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