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Euroflor Contrast


(formerly identified as 0350065-01)

Contrast has bright and varied colours combined with a low growing height, making it the perfect choice for varied town centre locations such as footpath edges, small roundabouts and flower beds

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Euroflor Contrast

Contrast has bright and varied colours combined with a low growing height, making it the perfect choice for varied town centre locations such as footpath edges, small roundabouts and flower beds

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Euroflor Contrast

Ex VAT:£276.34 £251.24Incl VAT:£331.61 £301.49

Contrast has bright and varied colours combined with a low growing height, making it the perfect choice for varied town centre locations such as footpath edges, small roundabouts and flower beds

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  • Low growing mix – 20-45 cm
  • Rapid flowering and long flowering period
  • Recommended for road verges, splays and roundabouts

Contrast has brighter and more varied colours than  Euroflor Ground Cover and is ideally suited to town centres where bright colours combined with low growth are required. Ideal for footpath edges, small roundabouts, tree surrounds or flower beds.

Flower Seed Mixture

12 species including Pot Marigold, Dwarf Morning Glory, Blanket Flower, Candytuft, Flax and Virginia Stock


Composition Annuals 100%
Flowering Height 20 – 45 cm
Sowing rate 2.5 to 3.5 g/m²

Flowering Period


Additional information

Pack Size

1 kg


285 – 400 square metres

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