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Euroflor Honey


(formerly identified as 0350005-01)

Honey is a favourite with bee keepers, farmers and orchard owners who want to keep pollinating insects busy in between crop flowering times.

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Euroflor Honey

Honey is a favourite with bee keepers, farmers and orchard owners who want to keep pollinating insects busy in between crop flowering times.

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Euroflor Honey

Ex VAT:£197.24 £176.35Incl VAT:£236.69 £211.62

Honey is a favourite with bee keepers, farmers and orchard owners who want to keep pollinating insects busy in between crop flowering times.

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  • A favourite for bees and insect life
  • Bright colours throughout the flowering period
  • Encourages biodiversity within an urban landscape

Honey is a favourite with bee keepers, farmers and orchard owners who want to keep pollinating insects busy in between crop flowering times. Honey germinates quickly and plant growth covers the soil rapidly.

Borage is a particular favourite of honey bees and bumble bees with a succession of delicate blue flowers and Cosmos, an annual in various hues of pink, purple and white flowers well into autumn, is rarely seen without an insect of some sort around its stamens.

Flower Seed Mixture

12 species including Wall Rock Cress, Borage, Cornflower, Cosmos, Blanket Flower and Black-eyed Susan


Composition Annuals 100%
Flowering Height 60 – 70 cm
Sowing rate 2.5 to 3.5 g/m²

Flowering Period


Additional information

Pack Size

1 kg


285 – 400 square metres

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