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Euroflor Spring Flower


(formerly identified as 0350021-01)

Spring Flower is composed of species which can be sown in the autumn to provide earlier spring flowers the following year with the added benefit of providing ground cover vegetation over winter because the plants are resistant to frost.

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Euroflor Spring Flower

Spring Flower is composed of species which can be sown in the autumn to provide earlier spring flowers the following year with the added benefit of providing ground cover vegetation over winter because the plants are resistant to frost.

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Euroflor Spring Flower

Ex VAT:£391.65 £348.92Incl VAT:£469.98 £418.70

Spring Flower is composed of species which can be sown in the autumn to provide earlier spring flowers the following year with the added benefit of providing ground cover vegetation over winter because the plants are resistant to frost.

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  • Sow in autumn for earlier  spring flowering, or sow in spring for summer flowering
  • Capacity to flower twice per year if cut back after flowering
  • Provides ground cover vegetation over winter

Spring Flower comprises species which can be sown during autumn to provide earlier spring flowers and with the added benefit of ground cover vegetation over winter as the plants are resistant to frost. Flowers start blooming in early spring and continue into early summer. Highly recommended for sowing in proximity to compliment spring sown Euroflor mixes for example, in bands to benefit from extended seasonal flowering from spring through to the first frosts on the same plot.  If cut back at the beginning of summer, it may flower a second time in autumn.

Flower Seed Mixture

11 species inclduing Cornflower, Clarkia, Coreopsis, Vipers Bugloss, Tidy Tips, Oxeye Daisy


Composition Annuals 75%, Biennials 15%, Perennials 10%
Flowering Height 60 – 70 cm
Sowing rate 2.5 to 3.5 g/m²

Flowering Period


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Pack Size

1 kg


285 – 400 square metres

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