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Basic cast iron water meter 1.5″ BSP. Code IRR‑WMD150


Arad 1 & 1/2″ BSP cast iron water meter. This meter does NOT have any ability for you to send the information to an outside source (irrigation controller or batch counter). If you want this ability, please use one of our water meters with pulse output.

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Basic cast iron water meter 1.5″ BSP. Code IRR‑WMD150

Arad 1 & 1/2″ BSP cast iron water meter. This meter does NOT have any ability for you to send the information to an outside source (irrigation controller or batch counter). If you want this ability, please use one of our water meters with pulse output.

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Basic cast iron water meter 1.5″ BSP. Code IRR‑WMD150

Ex VAT:£340.83Incl VAT:£409.00

Arad 1 & 1/2″ BSP cast iron water meter. This meter does NOT have any ability for you to send the information to an outside source (irrigation controller or batch counter). If you want this ability, please use one of our water meters with pulse output.

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Water meters are very handy devices. A water meter on your mainline will show you how much water you’re using each irrigation session. When the system is supposedly turned off, the water meter will show you how much water you’re losing through pipeline leaks.

On some irrigation systems such as bowling clubs, the local water supplier might ask you to install a water meter into the water storage tank so they can determine how much water your irrigation system is using.

Finally, if you are using mains water for irrigation you shouldn’t be paying for the water to be taken away by the sewage system. For example in a household, you buy the water & then pay for the dirty water to be taken back off site; often the buying of the water is only about 1/3 of the total price you pay. The other 2/3 is a cost for them to treat the dirty water. If you are using the water solely for irrigation, you can ask your water provider to just charge you at the incoming cost; for this to happen you’ll need a water meter on your irrigation main pipe to read how much water your irrigation system is using.

For all water meters of the type we are offering, you should install the water meter in a straight length of pipe; the rule of thumb is 5 x the diameter before the meter and 10 x the diameter after the meter. For example if your meter is 1.5” diameter then allow no less than 8” upstream & no less than 15” downstream; this allows the water to go through the meter in a laminar flow, avoiding mis-reading that would be caused by turbulent flows.

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