- Micro-Lite formulation designed to complement Magnet Velocite liquid.
- Enhances turf colour within 24 hours of application.
- Gives long-term activity: up to 16 weeks from one application.
- Dual iron formulation present in granular form.
- Has a low nitrogen analysis to assist the plant growth response.
- Provides potassium to help strengthen cell turgidity, combined with granular iron to enhance plant disease resistance.
Magnet Dynamic Lite is structured around a fertilizer mini-granule with an analysis of 3-0-14 that will enhance hardening of the turf and so help to combat plant stress and enhance the plant’s ability to withstand disease. The iron is offered in a sustainable and controlled manner that can last up to 16 weeks, dependent on mowing regimes, rainfall, soil temperature, soil types and other such factors.
How to use Magnet Dynamic Lite
Magnet Dynamic Lite can be applied at any time of the year, including winter months, to all sports and amenity turf. The low application rate and nitrogen analysis make it ideal for use when low growth stimulation is required without flushing the plant.
Apply Magnet Dynamic Lite like a fertilizer, calibrating the spreader to 40gms per sq.m. Ensure that the granules are dissolved or fully integrated into the sward before further mowing to ensure none is removed. Avoid applying during periods of low soil moisture levels and when turf is under stress, e.g. during hot or cold/frosty conditions.
Pack Size
20KG bag
Application Rate
Golf greens, golf tees: use 20kg on 500m² Bowling greens, cricket squares: use 60kg on 1,500m² Golf fairways, sportsfields: use 200kg on 5,000m² Large areas: use 400kg on 10,000m²
Active Ingredients
Contains 8.6% Fe iron, 3% nitrogen (N), 14% potash (K2O).