Remediact has shown in the field how well the product can decontaminate oil spills on fine turf
The product can be used in different situations –
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Pack contains sprayer, 1 l pack of Remediact and 4 l pack of FleetKleen
To activate micro-organisms RT Remediact must be diluted in water at a minimum ratio of 10%.
Concentrated Spills
Fuel or oil spills on soil or turf
- Determine amount of hydrocarbon causing the contamination –
- For every litre of spill use 1 litre of product
- Mix 1 unit of product with 10 litres of water.
- Mix well
- Apply to contaminated area using a suitable clean pressure sprayer/knapsack.
If soils are dry, additional water can be applied to help the activity of micro-organisms.
Diffuse Spills on Turf
- Hydraulic or other fuel spills on turf: Apply 100ml of product plus 1 litre of water per 10 sq.m of contaminated area using a suitable pressure/knapsack sprayer.
- Ensure a minimum of 1 litre of spray solution is applied per 10 sq.m.
- Application should be made a soon as possible after the spillage.
- Product cannot repair physical damage caused hydrocarbon spill.
RT Remediact will start to breakdown/remediate hydrocarbons to inert gases, water and heat immediately after application.
To enhance activity or in dry conditions water contaminated areas regularly after application.
No Specific PPE required