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Celebrating 100 years of Innovation Celebrating 100 Years of Innovation


Quality and consistency are the hallmarks of Rigby Taylor turf.

The quality of our turf benefits from the use of high quality cultivars selected for their highest purity.

Golf, Sports and Amenity Turf

Greens Turf

Traditional bent and fescue turf grown on USGA rootzone or indigenous sandy loam topsoil. For mowing heights 3-5mm.

Rye Greens & Tees Turf

Ultra-fine perennial ryegrass and fescues for a dense, hard-wearing sward. For mowing heights down to 5mm for greens, 10-12mm for tees.

Tees & Fairway Turf

A hardwearing blend of perennial ryegrass, smooth-stalked meadowgrass and red fescues. For mowing heights down to 10mm for tees and 12-14mm for fairways.

Winter Sports Turf

Extremely hard wearing perennial ryegrass and smooth-stalked meadowgrass. For mowing heights down to 25mm

Speciality Turf

Hybrid Turf

Combines natural and synthetic fibres tufted into an open weave backing, top dressed with sand. The reinforcement guarantees stability immediately after installation. Extremely hard wearing, recommended for golf tees, sports pitches and walkways.

Reinforced Fibre Turf

This turf is grown on imported sand based rootzone mixed with polypropylene fibres. Load bearing and very durable with a high percolation rate, it is recommended for sports pitches, equestrian, car parks and emergency access tracks.

Landscape Turf

Hard wearing landscape turf with perennial ryegrass, smooth-stalked meadowgrass and red fescues. For mowing heights down to 12-14mm.

Wildflower Turf

Please call 0800 424 919 for details of the different grades available, including Shade, SuDS, Green Roof and Euroflor Flora Britannica.

Turf laying

Preparation & Aftercare

Pre-preparation of the soil surface prior to laying turf is vital. For best results lay the turf on the day of delivery. Once the turf has been laid, make sure that it is kept damp (without overwatering) until the roots have anchored it firmly to the soil. You can start mowing the turf as soon as the surface feels firm enough to walk on.

An application of Activate R, containing Enhanced Root Developer (ERD) will assist the rooting establishment process. With our Greens turf on USGA rootzone, it’s advisable to apply a fungicide, as insurance, soon after laying. Although the turf will have had prophylactic fungicide treatments during production, the stress of lifting and transport can make the turf more susceptible to Fusarium.

Following the laying, take the cutting height down slowly over the following weeks, never cutting off more than a third of the leaf at any one time.

A professional laying service for big rolls is available when required. Laying is undertaken using bespoke equipment. Where time is short, 10,000 sq.m can be laid in 24 hours. Ask your Rigby Taylor representative for more details.


Rigby Taylor operate from three strategically placed branches throughout mainland UK. Delivery is undertaken nationwide and the turf can be supplied in both small and big-roll format. A tailored delivery service offers the flexibility of Moffet, Hiab or tail-lift offloads.

For more information, to check on availability and quotation please email

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